Monday, May 22, 2017

Being cautious before a hair transplant procedure for the best results

It’s alarming how some patients rush into hair transplant clinics to get a cheap hair transplant procedure. We all understand that hair loss creates tension, but please hold on until it is the right time. 

When is the right time?

23 years and above. Anyone who is under this age should wait for some time until alopecia is fully detected. Hair loss can disappear on its own when caused by seasonal changes in weather conditions, hormonal imbalances, and pregnancy. 

What happens before a hair transplant?

There are many hair transplant centres, but meeting the best surgeon alters everything for the best results. The surgeon will examine your scalp to confirm the number of hair follicles needed. He will also explain to you the technique best suitable plus the post-operative treatment   

What you have to know about hair transplants

Hair transplants are surgeries where hair grafts are removed from one location to the thinning location. A hair transplant in Chandigarh will cost you Rs.70, 000 and above precisely looking at the number of hair follicles needed and the surgeon. There are risks of infections if no effective treatment with antibiotics is taken.

Here is the result of hair transplant surgery at our clinic 

Anyone from you wants to get more details about our clinic of surgery procedure watch this video:

1 comment:

  1. Very informative post. Thanks for sharing this post with us. In fact, one of the best posts i have read till date. Keep sharing.....
    Hair transplant in Chandigarh
