Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Role of DHT in Male Pattern Hair Loss

Male pattern hair loss or androgenetic alopecia is common type of hair loss. It is basically due to genes that can come from either mother or father family. But dihydrotestosterone (DHT) plays important role for this condition.

What is DHT? 

It is sex steroid and is androgen means male hormone. Androgens are hormones that are responsible for masculine characteristics like deep voices, chest hair and muscle masses. But these androgens means testosterone get converted into DHT by the specific enzymes.
So it can be concluded that DHT is the potent androgen that is five times more potent than testosterone and remain attach with the same site with more ease and for longer time.

Contribution of DHT in hair loss

Scalp hair grows without the presence of this potent androgen but hair on their body parts like armpit, pubic or beard cannot grow without its presence. So with the deficiency of 5-AR person cannot have male pattern baldness problem but hair on other body parts can be less. So its presence must be determinable especially for the hair growth on body parts and on scalp.

So its attachment to androgen receptors on hair follicles triggers genetically the receptor for miniaturizing of follicles. So it has been proved through studies that both p[lucked follicles and bald scalp skin contains higher level of DHT. 

So this potent androgen can cause number of mechanisms

  1. Increase in DHT receptors at hair follicles
  2. More production of local DHT
  3. More androgen receptor sensitivity
  4. Increase in level of DHT through its production in other parts through circulation like prostrate
  5. More circulation of precursor testosterone for DHT

So DHT lead to premature shedding of follicles and lead to push them in resting phase means for shedding and become reason for hair loss on scalp.

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